Blue Jackets Bright Futures

Give the gift of infinite possibilities
Dreams are possible when you wear a Blue Jacket. You can make a difference in the life of a young person by sponsoring a Blue Jacket for an FFA member in need by giving them the gift of infinite possibilities and the chance to start their FFA Career. This project provides members with the opportunity to earn an FFA jacket through an application process. Jackets can be sponsored for $90 and are awarded in October each year. Each sponsorship includes a complimentary tie or scarf to accompany their jacket.
Your sponsorship can make an impact:​
Apply for the Blue Jacket Bright Futures program. Applications due October 1st!
Applications due October 1st!
Download a help guide as you complete your application:
Ways to Sponsor a Blue Jacket:
Online by Credit Card
Online donation through our Blue Jacket - Bright Futures website:
Mail the Donation Form
Download the Blue Jacket Bright Futures Sponsorship form and mail in your payment:
Text to Donate:
Donate by text message: Text FFABlue to 41444.
Donate through Venmo using our handle:
Shelby Reeser
What my jacket means to me>

Tri-City United FFA Chapter
"It was absolutely amazing
receiving my first jacket.
I have wanted my own for a long time. I was so excited to wear my jacket! I have been able to compete at the National FFA Horse Evaluation CDE and most recently wore it on stage when our Poultry team placed at state convention. It was really neat to find out that my jacket was donated by Julie. I met Julie at the State fair and we had so much in common and I really am proud to wear this jacket and receive the support from sponsors like Julie!"
Kloe Wadd
What my jacket means to me>

Waseca FFA Chapter
"I was very fortunate to be chosen for the Blue Jacket Bright Futures scholarship. It means so much to me that local businesses support the FFA members experience! It helps so much knowing that your jacket is already financially supported as you start your FFA career!"
Elaina Knott
Why you should sponsor >
Thief River Falls FFA Chapter
Not only did I have a sense of pride, but I also had an immediate sense of family... That's why I want to say to all of those that sponsor our Blue Jackets and for really making us a family."